Complete Guide to Executive Incentive Compensation

Compensation for Executives and Key Employees

Our post today is what I’m going to call a pre-emptive summary. We are working on a series articles that relate to all the different types of employee and executive incentive compensation. We will link to the various articles as they are written so you can easily access the various information from this post. Every article will be written from a tax perspective since, surprisingly, there seems to be a lack of this kind of information in the internet. We will be covering the following:

Nonqualified Stock Options (NQSOs)

Incentive Stock Options (ISOs)

Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPPs)

Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)

Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs)

Deferred Compensation

Concentrated Stock Positions - Not a form of Executive Compensation but wholly relevent to the conversation.

Check back as we will be publishing, and likley adding to this list over time.

Reach out if you would like us to discuss a specific topic and we may add it as a future topic.

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